In Class Assignment # 1
On Monday, June 22nd I commenced my Principles of Visual Communication class. Originally, I thought it would be focused around the marketing of items from a theoreticaly perspective. Much to my initial fear, it was all about literally utilizing Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator to create a portfolio of work utilzing different design processes. Therefore, I was actually quite excited because I have been eager to take a course like this to supplement my skills in publishing. The first class went over who our instructor and tutors were and their Media and Design backgrounds. We also went over class expectation and the different assignments we were to complete over the six week course.
Our first inclass assignment revolved around "Creating a machine that magnifies your creativity 100 times".
On Monday, June 22nd I commenced my Principles of Visual Communication class. Originally, I thought it would be focused around the marketing of items from a theoreticaly perspective. Much to my initial fear, it was all about literally utilizing Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator to create a portfolio of work utilzing different design processes. Therefore, I was actually quite excited because I have been eager to take a course like this to supplement my skills in publishing. The first class went over who our instructor and tutors were and their Media and Design backgrounds. We also went over class expectation and the different assignments we were to complete over the six week course.
Our first inclass assignment revolved around "Creating a machine that magnifies your creativity 100 times".

Initially, I took it as a metaphor and started writing in bubble letters "creativity". Since it was "my" creativity, I also drew a cartoonish looking magnifying glass over the words creativity, to make it look like I was magnifying my creativity.
